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Truck Driver Scheduling in the European Union
Type of publication: Article
Citation: Go10_EUTDSP
Journal: Transportation Science
Volume: 44
Number: 4
Year: 2010
Pages: 429-441
DOI: 10.1287/trsc.1100.0330
Abstract: Since April 2007 working hours of truck drivers in the European Union are controlled by regulation (EC) No. 561/2006. According to the new regulation, road transport undertakings must organise the work of drivers in a way that drivers are able to comply with the regulations and can be made liable for infringements committed by the drivers. Although of particular importance in long-distance haulage, regulations on working hours of truck drivers have received very little attention in the scheduling literature. This paper presents a
method for scheduling driving and working hours of truck drivers with respect to regulation (EC) No. 561/2006. Given a sequence of locations to be visited within specified time windows, the approach is guaranteed to find a schedule complying with the regulation if such a schedule exists.
Userfields: Cited by (Google Scholar)
Goel, A.
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